About HTSI
The Highland Third Sector Interface officially launched in March 2013.
Our Mission is to ensure that the Third Sector in Highlands is strong, developing, and a valued community and regional asset.
What is a Third Sector Interface (TSI)?
Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) provide a single point of access for support and guidance for the Third Sector within local areas. There is a TSI in each local authority area in Scotland.
You can find more about TSI's on TSI Scotland's website.
Our Themes of Work
In addition to supporting our members across Highland, we also work together with five partners to deliver, among other services, four specific themes of work as agreed with the Scottish Government. View the TSI framework here.
Be a Central Source of Knowledge
The Third Sector locally
Local and national policy and how it might affect local Third Sector
Communities and citizen
How the Third Sector can contribute to those agendas
Ensuring a strong Third Sector voice
Voice at a strategic level within local planning structures and nationally
Running Forums
Developing the capacity of volunteering, community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprise to achieve positive change
Providing leadership, vision and partnership and collaboration
Co-ordination to the local third sector to better respond to local priorities, including through partnership and collaboration
The delivery of the interface functions through trusted local Partners, most with an extensive history and community connection, allows services to be tailored to local need and for local diversity and adaptation, recognising the large expanse of geographical and community differences within the Highland Region.
We are always interested in hearing from any organisation or individual, whether they are working within the sector or looking to grow their relationship with it.
Memorandum and Articles of Association
View our Memorandum and Articles of Association by clicking the button below
Digital Mission Statement
Digital Technologies underpin the on-going communication, collaboration, and partnerships that are necessary to support our members, and work with our partners in Highland.